How many batteries do I need?
In many boats, the dream about going around in the archipelago for a week, without trouble with the electricity, feels unreachable. We know how to change that!
The most important step is actually to adjust the battery bank after your consumption. Our recommendation is that the daily consumption should correspond to 25 percent of your rated battery capacity. It is a tougher recommendation than most give.
The reason is shown in the diagram on the right. It shows how the charge in the battery bank varies during one week with an hour's daily engine run. The different lines show systems with too few batteries, poor charge or just a mix of enough charge and enough amount of batteries.
Never charge a lead-acid battery more than half. If you remove 40 percent of your bank the first evening/night and then go for a motor one hour the day after, you can recieve about 85 percent charged batteries at best. After the second night you are already down at a dangerous low 45 percent if you do not take emergency measures.